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assertion in servers/slapd/bind.c, development tree


a question for you about an assertion in server/slapd/bind.c,

In server/slapd/sasl.c, the sasl_bind function makes following calls when the
session wraps up when either it concluded successfully or when it can not go
anymore. (in my case, I did not setup my server environment properly)
>        if ( sc != SASL_CONTINUE && conn->c_sasl_bind_context != NULL ) {
>                sasl_dispose( &conn->c_sasl_bind_context );
>                conn->c_sasl_bind_context = NULL;
>        }
where the binding context is disposed and the conn->c_sasl_bind_context is set to NULL.
and in server/slapd/bind.c, after do_bind calls sasl_bind, it checks for
the state of thing like this,

>                edn = NULL;
>                rc = sasl_bind( conn, op, dn, ndn, mech, &cred, &edn );
>                if( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
>                        ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &conn->c_mutex );
>                        assert( conn->c_sasl_bind_context == NULL );
>                        conn->c_dn = edn;
>                        if(dn!=NULL) {
>                          conn->c_cdn = ch_malloc( sizeof( "dn" ) );
>                          strcpy( conn->c_cdn, dn );
>                        }
>                        ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &conn->c_mutex );
>                } else if ( rc == LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS ) {
>                        assert( conn->c_sasl_bind_context != NULL );
>                        conn->c_sasl_bind_mech = mech;
>                        mech = NULL;
>                } else {
>                        assert( conn->c_sasl_bind_context != NULL );  <<<----
>                }
>                goto cleanup;

In my case, the assertion failed and dropped core because conn->c_sasl_bind_context
got set to NULL in sasl_bind but rc is not LDAP_SUCCESS. Shouldn't this be checking
for (== NULL) ?? rest of the ldap sasl related code works perfectly (reporting the 
error etc) when there is a failure during the handshaking.
