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Flag usage cross reference

For what is worth, I have compiled a table showing what programs use
what flags.  The purpose is to easily find the most appropriate flag
when extending programs or to determine what flags could be used for
some new option to be implemented in many programs.

I have also added an explanation on how each flag is used on each
program. This is not meant to be a quick reference to OpenLDAP, since
it does not even try to be correct, just a quick reminder to better
understand the main table.

Well, here it is:

Clients         ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

fax500                                         f h    m
finger                                      c  f  i  l  p    t   x
go500                   I                  bcd f     l  p    t   x
go500gw                 I      P          a cd f h   l  p    t   x
ldapdelete         D      K M  P      W     cd f h  k  np      vw
ldapmodify         D F    K M  P      W   abcd f h  k  np  r t vw
ldapmodrdn         D      K M  P      W     cd f h  k  np  rs  vw
ldappasswd        CDE  H  K    P      W Y ab de gh  kl np   st vw yz
ldapsearch      AB D F    KLM  P RST VW   ab d f h  kl np   stuvw  z
mail500           C                          d f h   lm        v
rcpt500                             U     abc  f h   l  p   st     z
rp500                                     ab d f                 x z
ud                 D                 V      cd f     l  p   s uv

Servers         ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ldapd                   I           U       cd f  i  l   p r tu
slapd                          P            cd fgh   l n p  stu

Tools           ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

centipede        B   F      M  P R    W    bcd f      mn p  st vw
chlog2replog                                 d          o  r
edb2ldif                                  ab d f hi     o  r   v
slapadd                                    bcd f     l n    st v
slapcat                                    bcd f     l n       v
slapindex                                  bcd f       n       v
ldif                                       b
slurpd                                       d f h  k   o  r t


	Retrieve attribute names only in ldapsearch

	Allow binaries to be printed in ldapsearch
	DN to bind as at destination in centipede

	Configuration file in mail500
	Sets want_entryhash, currently a no-op in ldappasswd

	DN to bind as in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn, ldappasswd,
	Print ud debug masks and exit in ud

	Prompt for new password in ldappasswd

	Force changes ignoring replica: lines in ldapmodify
	Field separator in ldapsearch
	Generate full centroid in centipede

	Hashing algorithm to use in ldappasswd

	Run from inetd in go500, go500gw, ldapd

	Do Kerberos bind, part one only in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn,
	ldappasswd, ldapsearch

	Print entries in LDIF in ldapsearch

	Use ManageDSAIT control in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn,
	Bind method at destination in centipede

	LDAP port in go500gw
	Protocol version to use in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn,
	ldappasswd, ldapsearch
	Default LDAPS port in slapd
	Password to bind with at destination in centipede

	Don't automatically chase referrals in ldapsearch
	Generate relative centroid in centipede

	Attribute type to sort entries by in ldapsearch

	Temp directory in ldapsearch

	UDP (CLDAP) in rcpt500, ldapd

	Temp directory as URL in ldapsearch
	Don't be verbose in ud

	Prompt for bind password in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn,
	ldappasswd, ldapsearch
	Generate weigths in centipede

	Salt length in ldappasswd

	Don't deref aliases in rcpt500, rp500
	Search aliases in go500gw (code may be inconsistent with docs)
	Add (instead of modify) entries in ldapmodify
	Attribute type (userPassword) to be changed in ldappasswd
	Alias deref option (search, find, always) in ldapsearch
	Alway add values in edb2ldif

	Search base in go500, ldappasswd, ldapsearch, rcpt500, rp500
	Read values from files in ldapmodify
	DN to bind as at source in centipede
	Base DN in edb2ldif
	Database DN suffix in slapadd, slapcat, slapindex
	Input is raw binary in ldif

	Number of DN components to show in finger, go500, go500gw, rcpt500
	Use continuous operation mode in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn
	Filter file in ud
	DSA to contact in ldapd
	Provide CLDAP support in slapd (currently disabled)
	LDBM cache size in centipede
	Continue on errors in slapadd, slapcat, slapindex

	Debug level in go500, go500gw, ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn,
	ldappasswd, ldapsearch, mail500, rp500
	Debug mask for ud in ud
	Debug level in ldapd, slapd, slurpd
	Destination URL in centipede
	DN suffix in chlog2replog
	Set debug mode in edb2ldif
	Set debug mode in slapadd, slapcat, slapindex

	The new password in ldappasswd

	From (sender) in fax500, mail500
	LDAP filter file in finger, go500, go500gw, rcpt500, rp500
	File with the list of DNs to delete in ldapdelete
	File to read changes from in ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn
	File to read search tags from in ldapsearch
	Configuration file in ud, slapd, slurpd
	Kerberos key file in ldapd
	Filter in centipede
	Directory in edb2ldif
	Configuration file in slapadd, slapcat, slapindex

	Auto-generate a new password of the indicated length in ldappasswd
	Group to run as in slapd

	(This) Hostname in fax500, mail500
	Gopher help file in go500gw
	LDAP host in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn, ldappasswd,
	ldapsearch, rcpt500
	String with URLs describing listening sockets in slapd
	EDB home in edb2ldif
	Show usage in slurpd

	Use interactively in finger
	DSA Kerberos instance in ldapd
	Attribute type to ignore in edb2ldif

	Do Kerberos bind in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn, ldappasswd,
	Name of Kerberos srvtab file in slurpd

	Don't syslog in finger
	Do syslog in go500, go500gw, rcpt500, ldapd
	LDAP host in mail500
	Time limit in ldappasswd, ldapsearch
	LDAP debug mask in ud
	Syslog user in slapd
	LDIF file in slapadd, slapcat

	Mailer daemon address in fax500, mail500
	Bind method at source in centipede

	Dry run in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn, ldappasswd, ldapsearch,
	NT service name in slapd
	Database number in slapadd, slapcat, slapindex

	Output file in chlog2replog
	Override add in edb2ldif
	One shot mode in slurpd

	LDAP port in finger, ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn, ldappasswd,
	ldapsearch, rcpt500, ud, ldapd
	Gopher port in go500, go500gw
	Default LDAP port in slapd
	Password to bind with at source in centipede

	Replace values by default in ldapmodify
	Remove old RDN in ldapmodrdn
	Timeout for referral connections in ldapd
	Replica in chlog2replog
	Recurse in edb2ldif
	Replog file in slurpd

	New superior in ldapmodrdn
	Search scope in ldappasswd, ldapsearch
	LDAP server in ud
	Syslog level in slapd
	Source URL in centipede
	Disable schema checking in slapadd

	Template file in finger, go500, go500gw, rcpt500
	Target DN to modify in ldappasswd
	Write attributes to temp files in ldapsearch
	Timeout for idle connections in ldapd
	Set timed mode in slapd
	Temp file directory in centipede, slurpd
	Set truncate mode in slapadd

	DAP user in rcpt500
	Include ufn in ldapsearch
	Default bind DN in ud
	Accept UDP (CLDAP) in addition to TCP in ldapd (never implemented)
	User to run as in slapd

	Vacation host in mail500
	Be verbose in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn, ldappasswd,
	ldapsearch, ud, centipede, edb2ldif
	Be verbose in slapadd, slapcat, slapindex

	Password for bind in ldapdelete, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn, ldappasswd,
	Generate word centroid in centipede

	LDAP host in finger, go500, go500gw, rp500

	User-specified salt in ldappasswd

	Sizelimit in ldappasswd, ldapsearch, rcpt500, rp500

Hope someone finds it useful.
