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Re: New schema

"Kurt D. Zeilenga" wrote:
> Past this, other schema files would be optional, including:
>         inetOrgPerson.schema            (latest draft)
>         pilot.schema                    (rfc1274)
>         nis.schema                      (rfc2307)
>         ...
> Comments?

Can we include my rendition of the DEN schema (and my hyperDEN01
extensions) as additional optional schema? See my work at:


If you agree, I'll modify my "LDAPv3" production of the attribute and
objectclass tables, prepending the appropriate keyword to each entry,
and combining into one schema file, as per the format now in the CVS.

# Larry Bartz                           |                              |
#  lbartz@parnelli.indy.cr.irs.gov      | Ooo, ooo,                    |
#                                       | Ooo, ooo, oooooo!            |
#                                       | I've got a gnu attitude!     |
#  voice (317) 226-7060                 |                              |
#  FAX   (317) 226-6378                 |                              |