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Terminating the client connection

I have found during testing of the NT port that if the client application (I
was testing with ldapsearch) abnormally terminated (with ctrl-c on NT), the
thread processing the client request continued running on the slapd server.

I experimented for a while with finding the best way to handle this and have
settled on the following changed connection_close() modifications.
Essentially what I do is set the abandon flag for each active operation on
the connection. I'm not sure if the same should be done for those operations
pointed to by Connection.c_pending_ops

static void connection_close( Connection *c )
 struct slap_op *o;
 assert( connections != NULL );
 assert( c != NULL );
 assert( c->c_struct_state == SLAP_C_USED );
 assert( c->c_conn_state == SLAP_C_CLOSING );

 if( c->c_ops != NULL ) {
  // ++PAUL added these lines to try to get everything on the 
  // server to stop if the client abnormally disconnects

  // abandon any outstanding ops 
  o = c->c_ops->o_next;
  while ( o != NULL )
   ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &o->o_abandonmutex );
   o->o_abandon = 1;
   ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &o->o_abandonmutex );
   o = o->o_next;
  ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &c->c_ops->o_abandonmutex );
  c->c_ops->o_abandon = 1;
  ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &c->c_ops->o_abandonmutex );
  // --PAUL

   "connection_close: deferring conn=%ld sd=%d.\n",
   c->c_connid, c->c_sb.sb_sd, 0 );


 Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "connection_close: conn=%ld sd=%d.\n",
  c->c_connid, c->c_sb.sb_sd, 0 );

 connection_destroy( c );

| Paul Higgs      (NA/EBC/PEEW/F)                                  | 
| Ericsson Business Networks AB       tel: +46 (8) 4221734         | 
| S131 89 Stockholm, Sweden           fax: +46 (8) 4221010         | 
| Office: Augustendalsvagan 21                                     | 
|         Nacka Strand          e-mail: paul.higgs@ebc.ericsson.se | 