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(ITS#8216) Windows 'make test' failures

Full_Name: Matthew Hardin
Version: 2.4.40
OS: Windows 7/64
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

Many 'make test' test fail, for a variety of reasons, with LMDB and BDB/HDB

OpenLDAP 2.4.40
Berkeley DB 4.8.30

  MSYS from MinGW/MSYS 2013072300
  Win-Builds MinGW 32- and 64-bit toolchain

The following tests fail:
test0-c-concurrency:           problems reported by slapd-tester
test039-glue-ldap-concurrency: seems to fail for the same reasons as test008
test043-delta-syncrepl:        lmdb always fails, hdb/bdb sometimes 
test049-sync-config:           config parsing problems
test050-syncrepl-multimaster:  config parsing problems
test056-monitor:               incorrect monitor output
test058-syncrepl-asymmetric:   parsing problems
test059-slave-config:          parsing problems
test061-syncreplication-initiation: parsing prlelems
test063-delta-multimaster:     undetermined
test064-constraint:            include file processing (parsing?)