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Re: (ITS#7299) Memory leaks when using ldapmodify to add members to groupOfNames objectclass
- To: openldap-its@OpenLDAP.org
- Subject: Re: (ITS#7299) Memory leaks when using ldapmodify to add members to groupOfNames objectclass
- From: hyc@symas.com
- Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 11:55:25 GMT
- Auto-submitted: auto-generated (OpenLDAP-ITS)
Jan Synacek wrote:
> On 06/15/2012 03:16 PM, hyc@symas.com wrote:
>> jsynacek@redhat.com wrote:
>>> Full_Name: Jan Synacek
>>> Version: git (c73ec15)
>>> OS: linux-fedora17
>>> URL: http://jsynacek.fedorapeople.org/openldap/leak/openldap-mmr-leak.tar.gz
>>> Submission from: (NULL) (
>>> I'm using a 2-node mmr setup on my local machine - configuration files and
>>> 'uploader' scripts are provided in the archive.
>>> 1) I have the two nodes running.
>>> 2) Execute run.sh (only a wrapper for ldapusradm.sh) and start monitoring
>>> slapd's memory usage.
>>> 3) After some time (at about 2k users on my system), slapd consumes a large
>>> amount of memory which is still growing
>>> Note that not using ldapmodify to add members to 'cn=users,dc=yes,dc=my', but
>>> using it e.g. for modifying each user's email, does NOT result in any memory
>>> leakage.
>>> I have also created a massif output using valgrind's massif tool:
>>> http://jsynacek.fedorapeople.org/openldap/leak/massif.out.17906
>>> I found a very similar bug (#7292), but I'm not sure if it's related.
>> Running RE24 with valgrind --leak-check=full I see no leak when running your
>> test. That should be the same as git c73ec15. No idea what leak you're seeing.
> The memory consumption still grows and slapd eventually gets killed by oom-killer.
Perhaps you're seeing fragmentation in the glibc malloc library. Please test
RE24, and try with some other malloc (e.g. tcmalloc). I've run your entire
test with both valgrind and with tcmalloc's heap checker and neither one shows
any leak.
-- Howard Chu
CTO, Symas Corp. http://www.symas.com
Director, Highland Sun http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP http://www.openldap.org/project/