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(ITS#7020) How to design an architecture of OpenLDAP for satisfy our needs?

Full_Name: ma hao
Version: 2.3.43
OS: Linux(RH)
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

Hi support,

We got a problem about our authentication architecture.

Here is our situation:
We are using two parts for user authentication, which both are openldap service.

One is password OpenLDAP service on remote server.
One is groups information OpenLDAP service, which also is user?s permission
info, on local server.
In fact we could not get the user password in our local Openldap, pasword
information stored in remote openldap which could not get our local group

Do you have any idea to make our local OpenLDAP using remote OpenLDAP authorize
the password and using local OpenLDAP supply groups information?

Best Regards

Ma Hao