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(ITS#6009) test019: test failed - master and R2 slave databases differ

Full_Name: Michael Ströder
Version: RE24
OS: openSUSE Linux 11.1
Submission from: (NULL) (

$ ./run -b bdb test019
Running ./scripts/test019-syncreplication-cascade...
running defines.sh
Starting master slapd on TCP/IP port 9011...
Using ldapsearch to check that master slapd (pid=5018) is running...
Waiting 5 seconds for slapd to start...
Using ldapadd to create the context prefix entry in the master...
Starting R1 slave slapd on TCP/IP port 9012...
Using ldapsearch to check that R1 slave slapd (pid=5094) is running...
Starting R2 slave slapd on TCP/IP port 9013...
Using ldapsearch to check that R2 slave slapd (pid=5126) is running...
Starting P1 slave slapd on TCP/IP port 9014...
Using ldapsearch to check that P1 slave slapd (pid=5158) is running...
Starting P2 slave slapd on TCP/IP port 9015...
Using ldapsearch to check that P2 slave slapd (pid=5190) is running...
Starting P3 slave slapd on TCP/IP port 9016...
Using ldapsearch to check that P3 slave slapd (pid=5222) is running...
Using ldapadd to populate the master directory...
Waiting 10 seconds for syncrepl to receive changes...
Using ldapmodify to modify master directory...
Waiting 10 seconds for syncrepl to receive changes...
Performing modify alone on provider...
Waiting 10 seconds for syncrepl to receive changes...
Using ldapsearch to read all the entries from the master...
Using ldapsearch to read all the entries from the R1 slave...
Using ldapsearch to read all the entries from the R2 slave...
Using ldapsearch to read all the entries from the P1 slave...
Using ldapsearch to read all the entries from the P2 slave...
Using ldapsearch to read all the entries from the P3 slave...
Filtering master ldapsearch results...
Filtering R1 slave ldapsearch results...
Filtering R2 slave ldapsearch results...
Filtering P1 slave ldapsearch results...
Filtering P2 slave ldapsearch results...
Filtering P3 slave ldapsearch results...
Comparing retrieved entries from master and R1 slave...
Comparing retrieved entries from master and R2 slave...
test failed - master and R2 slave databases differ