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(ITS#5717) slapo-dynlist expantion failed for mapped attributes
Full_Name: Emmanuel Dreyfus
Version: OpenLDAP-2.4.11
OS: NetBSD-4.0
Submission from: (NULL) (
If slapo-dynlist is configured with attribute mapping, dynlist expantion will
only work if the member attribute in included in the searched attriute set.
Here is an example:
overlay dynlist
dynlist-attrset ExMailAddress memberURL mailbox:revalias
Searched entry:
dn: mailAddress=foo-employee@example.net,o=ex
objectClass: exMailAddress
mailAddress: foo-employee@example.net
memberURL: ldap:///o=ex,revalias?sub?(&(objectClass=exPerson)(employer=foo))
Expantion looks up objects like this:
dn: uid=jdoe,o=ex
objectClass: exPerson
uid: jdoe
revalias: john.doe@example.net
employer: foo
With the member attribute in the searched attribute set:
$ ldapsearch mailAddress=foo-employee@example mailbox revalias
dn: mailAddress=foo-employee@example.net,o=ex
mailbox: john.doe@example.net
mailbox: joe.luser@example.net
mailbox: emmanuel.dreyfus@example.net
Without it:
$ ldapsearch mailAddress=foo-employee@example mailbox
dn: mailAddress=foo-employee@example.net,o=ex
Note that if no attribute set is provided, it works:
$ ldapsearch mailAddress=foo-employee@example
dn: mailAddress=foo-employee@example.net,o=ex
objectClass: exMailAddress
mailAddress: foo-employee@example.net
mailbox: john.doe@example.net
mailbox: joe.luser@example.net
mailbox: emmanuel.dreyfus@example.net
memberURL: ldap:///o=ex,revalias?sub?(&(objectClass=exPerson)(employer=foo))
I should provide a fix for that soon.