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Re: (ITS#5662) Comments in schema declarations separated by semicolon

Kurt Zeilenga wrote:
> On Aug 21, 2008, at 9:57 AM, michael@stroeder.com wrote:
>> Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
>>> michael@stroeder.com writes:
>>>> hyc@symas.com wrote:
>>>>> Who benefits from this feature?
>>>> An admin copying&pasting a schema from an standard document which uses
>>>> this format.  I'm currently looking at such a document with ~500
>>>> occurences of OIDs used in declarations instead of NAMEs.
>>> Which one?  It's not RFC 4512 format.  RFC 4512 uses ';' for comments
>>> _about_ the syntax of schema elements, not _in_ their syntax.
>> http://tools.ietf.org/draft/draft-dally-acp133-and-ldap/
> There is a lot of crap in I-Ds, and even some crap in RFCs.

Yes. :-/

That's why I was asking whether it's feasible to be liberal in what you 
receive (read from config) but to be strict in what you send (add to the 

Ciao, Michael.