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Re: (ITS#5653) Segmentation Fault running slapd with mysql back-end

ollieeillo@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

> backsql_oc_get_attr_mapping(): executing at_query
>     "SELECT name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return,sel_expr_u
> FROM ldap_attr_mappings WHERE oc_map_id=?"
>     for objectClass "document"
>     with param oc_id="2"
> attributeType:
>         name="(null)"
>         sel_expr="(null)"
>         from="(null)"
>         join_where="(null)"
>         add_proc="(null)"
>         delete_proc="(null)"
>         sel_expr_u=""
> Segmentation fault

This log seems to indicate that the ldap_attr_mappings table contains 
NULLs for required fields.  A check will be added to the code, but yours 
definitely looks like a user error... fix your table and retry.


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

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