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(ITS#5189) slapadd -q breaks db_stat -c

Full_Name: Hallvard B Furuseth
Version: 2.3.38
OS: Linux (x86_64)
Submission from: (NULL) (
Submitted by: hallvard

With db-4.2.52 + their 5 patches, built with --enable-umrw

bash$ cat test.conf
database        bdb
directory       ./test-data
suffix          cn=test

bash$ rm test-data/*
bash$ cp /ldap/usr/etc/openldap/DB_CONFIG.example test-data/DB_CONFIG
bash$ slapadd -q -f test.conf -l /dev/null
bash$ db_stat -c -h test-data
db_stat: DB_ENV->lock_stat interface requires an environment configured for the
locking subsystem
db_stat: Invalid argument

It works without '-q':

bash$ rm test-data/*
bash$ cp /ldap/usr/etc/openldap/DB_CONFIG.example test-data/DB_CONFIG
bash$ slapadd -f test.conf -l /dev/null
bash$ db_stat -c -h test-data
6       Last allocated locker ID.
2147M   Current maximum unused locker ID.
9       Number of lock modes.
1000    Maximum number of locks possible.
1000    Maximum number of lockers possible.
1000    Maximum number of lock objects possible.
0       Number of current locks.
3       Maximum number of locks at any one time.
0       Number of current lockers.
6       Maximum number of lockers at any one time.
0       Number of current lock objects.
3       Maximum number of lock objects at any one time.
9       Total number of locks requested.
9       Total number of locks released.
0       Total number of lock requests failing because DB_LOCK_NOWAIT was set.
0       Total number of locks not immediately available due to conflicts.
0       Number of deadlocks.
0       Lock timeout value.
0       Number of locks that have timed out.
0       Transaction timeout value.
0       Number of transactions that have timed out.
648KB   The size of the lock region..
0       The number of region locks granted after waiting.
50      The number of region locks granted without waiting.