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Re: (ITS#5102) back-perl build issues

--On August 25, 2007 7:34:22 AM +0000 ando@sys-net.it wrote:

> Kurt Zeilenga wrote:
>>> ConfigReply is declared in slapd/config.h; could it be another,
>>> system-related config.h is present in an earlier include path?
>>> Even though, I see in the above cc command-line -I .. is present...
>> Personally, I think have -I., -I.., etc. is really bad.  This causes
>>     # include "config.h"
>> and
>>     # include <config.h>
>> to be equivalent.  However, there could be both a local config.h and a
>> config.h somewhere in the system include directory.
>> I would be better if slapd/config.h was included here by:
>>     # include "../config.h"
>> and -I.. not be added to the include path.  It possible -I.. is causing
>> a system header to be eclipsed by the local header.
> -I.. is needed to include slap.h, proto-slap.h, ...
> I'd rather rename config.h, which is quite generic, into slapconf.h or so.

In the name of getting 2.4.5 released, I've updated to Kurt's suggestion 
until such a time as this can be acted upon otherwise.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration