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Re: (ITS#5108) SID/RID: decimal or hex?

Howard Chu wrote:
> ando@sys-net.it wrote:
>> Howard Chu wrote:
>>> The SID in the CSN has always been hex (but usually zero). The RID is
>>> not part of the CSN and has always been decimal. Since the RID only
>>> needs to be unique within a particular slapd instance, there's no real
>>> problem there.
>> Right.  but, well, slap_parse_csn_sid() was using strtoul(..., 10).  Now
>> fixed.
> Yeah, oops. That's good.
>> For consistency I've made both behave the same.  The user won't
>> basically notice it, so I don't see backward compatibility issues.
> So we leave the docs saying RID is 0-999?

Well, in slapd.conf(5) I already put 0-4095, but be can back it out.  I
don't have any preference.  Since the max will just slightly increase, I
don't see a big deal in terms of backwards compatibility.  In any case
4096 or 1000 is big for a RID, so no-one will be hurt.  I was more
concerned about the 10 limit...


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

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Email:   pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it