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RE: (ITS#4355) slapd crash

Answers inline below, In places I've pasted more lines than absolutely necessary because I'm not all that hot on gdb so I want to 'show my working' so you can see if I'm giving you the wrong info;)

> 1) do a "bt full"

Actually I'll put that at the end below ;)

> 2) print "desc":
> 	p ((AttributeDescription *)0x390800)[0]

(gdb) p((AttributeDescription *)0x390800)[0]
$1 = {ad_next = 0x0, ad_type = 0x391188, ad_cname = {bv_len = 14,
    bv_val = 0x3c3a00 "pwdFailureTime"}, ad_tags = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0},
  ad_flags = 0}

> 3) print "mod":
>	p ((struct berval *)0x2522770)[0]@2

(gdb) p ((struct berval *)0x2522770)[0]@2
$2 = {{bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x390800 ""}, {bv_len = 14,
    bv_val = 0x3c3a00 "pwdFailureTime"}}

> >From the values you get for the temporaries in attr_merge(), print
> (you'll need to cast them first; replace the name with the pointer):

> p ((Attribute **)a)[0][0]

(gdb) up
#1  0xfefd09c4 in raise () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
(gdb) up
#2  0xfefb6ce0 in abort () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
(gdb) up
#3  0xfefb6f80 in _assert () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
(gdb) up
#4  0x0005b48c in attr_merge (e=0xf7ffeeb0, desc=0x390800, vals=0x2967558,
    nvals=0x0) at attr.c:210
210                     assert( ( nvals == NULL && (*a)->a_nvals == (*a)->a_vals )
(gdb) p ((Attribute **)a)[0][0]
$3 = {a_desc = 0x390800, a_vals = 0x2997668, a_nvals = 0x2997698,
  a_next = 0x0, a_flags = 0}

> p ((Attribute **)a)[0]->a_vals[0]@2

I wasn't sure about the cast and pointer stuff you mentioned but I got some output from the command as is - if thats not what you want please point me in the right direction...
I replaced 2 with 4 - I'm fairly sure you don't need value #4 but wasn't sure about #3 
(gdb) p((Attribute **)a)[0]->a_vals[0]@5
$10 = {{bv_len = 15, bv_val = 0x2997680 "20051006164638Z"}, {bv_len = 0,
    bv_val = 0x0}, {bv_len = 17,
    bv_val = 0x633d656d <Address 0x633d656d out of bounds>}, {
    bv_len = 842018869,
    bv_val = 0x31303036 <Address 0x31303036 out of bounds>}, {
    bv_len = 825635894,
    bv_val = 0x33385a00 <Address 0x33385a00 out of bounds>}}

> p ((Attribute **)a)[0]->a_nvals[0]@2

p((Attribute **)a)[0]->a_nvals[0]@5
$11 = {{bv_len = 15, bv_val = 0x29976b0 "20051006164638Z"}, {bv_len = 0,
    bv_val = 0x0}, {bv_len = 17,
    bv_val = 0x753d6361 <Address 0x753d6361 out of bounds>}, {
    bv_len = 842018869,
    bv_val = 0x31303036 <Address 0x31303036 out of bounds>}, {
    bv_len = 825635894,
    bv_val = 0x33385a00 <Address 0x33385a00 out of bounds>}}

(gdb) bt full
#0  0xff01f7bc in _lwp_kill () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
No symbol table info available.
#1  0xfefd09c4 in raise () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
No symbol table info available.
#2  0xfefb6ce0 in abort () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
No symbol table info available.
#3  0xfefb6f80 in _assert () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
No symbol table info available.
#4  0x0005b48c in attr_merge (e=0xf7ffeeb0, desc=0x390800, vals=0x2967558,
    nvals=0x0) at attr.c:210
        rc = 43680672
        a = (Attribute **) 0x29a838c
#5  0x000c18ec in modify_add_values (e=0xf7ffeeb0, mod=0x2522770,
    permissive=0, text=0xf7fff3c4, textbuf=0xf7ffef00 "þ-Y\210", textlen=256)
    at mods.c:155
        rc = 36945968
        op = 0x2dac40 "add"
        a = (Attribute *) 0x29a83a0
        pmod = {sm_op = 0, sm_flags = 0, sm_desc = 0x390800, sm_type = {
    bv_len = 14, bv_val = 0x3c3a00 "pwdFailureTime"}, sm_values = 0x2967558,
  sm_nvalues = 0x0}
#6  0x000e6b5c in bdb_modify_internal (op=0xf7fff3f0, tid=0x29a01b8,
    modlist=0x2522770, e=0xf7ffeeb0, text=0xf7fff3c4,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    textbuf=0xf7ffef00 "þ-Y\210", textlen=256) at modify.c:97
        rc = 0
        err = 0
        mod = (Modification *) 0x2522770
        ml = (Modifications *) 0x2522770
        save_attrs = (Attribute *) 0x23545a0
        ap = (Attribute *) 0x20
        glue_attr_delete = 0
#7  0x000e88c0 in bdb_modify (op=0xf7fff3f0, rs=0xf7fff3b0) at modify.c:481
        bdb = (struct bdb_info *) 0x3c63f0
        e = (Entry *) 0x2354578
        ei = (EntryInfo *) 0x2354a18
        manageDSAit = 0
        textbuf = "þ-Y\210\000\000\003\032\000\n", '\0' <repeats 38 times>, "\002R'p\000\000\000\000\0007q\220", '\0' <repeats 11 times>, "\b\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\b", '\0' <repeats 15 times>, "\036\000\000\000\005\000\000\000x\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001", '\0' <repeats 28 times>, "ÿÿÿÿ", '\0' <repeats 84 times>, "÷ÿô\f\0009\025\220", '\0' <repeats 19 times>
        textlen = 256
        ltid = (DB_TXN *) 0x29871b8
        lt2 = (DB_TXN *) 0x29a01b8
        opinfo = {boi_bdb = 0xf7fff9e0, boi_txn = 0x29871b8, boi_err = 0,
  boi_locker = 2147485309, boi_acl_cache = 0, boi_locks = 0x0}
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        dummy = {e_id = 333, e_name = {bv_len = 60,
    bv_val = 0x2353f7b "uid=hul251,ou=People,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"}, e_nname = {bv_len = 60,
    bv_val = 0x2353fb9 "uid=hul251,ou=people,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"}, e_attrs = 0x233c030, e_ocflags = 256, e_bv = {bv_len = 1523,
    bv_val = 0x2353f78 "\027T<uid=hul251,ou=People,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"}, e_private = 0x2354a18}
        fakeroot = 0
        locker = 2147485309
        lock = {off = 285064, ndx = 794, gen = 3113, mode = DB_LOCK_READ}
        num_retries = 0
        preread_ctrl = (LDAPControl **) 0x0
        postread_ctrl = (LDAPControl **) 0x0
        ctrls = {0x0, 0x9d, 0xa0000, 0x2354814, 0x441f80, 0x0}
        num_ctrls = 0
        rc = -134218428
#8  0x000d79e0 in glue_op_func (op=0xf7fff3f0, rs=0xf7fff3b0) at backglue.c:168
        on = (slap_overinst *) 0x3c6820
        b0 = (BackendDB *) 0xf7fff9e0
        bi0 = (BackendInfo *) 0x3c6820
        func = (BI_op_modify **) 0x33a10c
        which = op_modify
        rc = 0
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#9  0x000da6ec in overlay_op_walk (op=0xf7fff3f0, rs=0xf7fff3b0,
    which=op_modify, oi=0x3c6728, on=0x3c6820) at backover.c:491
        func = (BI_op_bind **) 0x3c684c
        rc = 32768
#10 0x000da9b0 in over_op_func (op=0xf7fff3f0, rs=0xf7fff3b0, which=op_modify)
    at backover.c:551
        oi = (slap_overinfo *) 0x3c6728
        on = (slap_overinst *) 0x3c6918
        be = (BackendDB *) 0xf7fff9e0
        db = {bd_info = 0x33a0e0,
  be_ctrls = "\000\001\000\000\000\001\000\001\000\001\001\001\000\001", '\0' <repeats 18 times>, "\001", be_flags = 272, be_restrictops = 0, be_requires = 0,
  be_ssf_set = {sss_ssf = 0, sss_transport = 0, sss_tls = 0, sss_sasl = 0,
    sss_update_ssf = 128, sss_update_transport = 0, sss_update_tls = 128,
    sss_update_sasl = 0, sss_simple_bind = 128}, be_suffix = 0x3c5aa0,
  be_nsuffix = 0x3c5ab8, be_schemadn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0},
  be_schemandn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, be_rootdn = {bv_len = 50,
    bv_val = 0x3c66a8 "cn=Manager,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"},
  be_rootndn = {bv_len = 50,
    bv_val = 0x3c66e8 "cn=manager,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"},
  be_rootpw = {bv_len = 29,
    bv_val = 0x390f30 "{MD5}lzQKjgpRGHy+t0DCNwy1Bw=="},
  be_max_deref_depth = 15, be_def_limit = {lms_t_soft = 3600, lms_t_hard = 0,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    lms_s_soft = 10000, lms_s_hard = 0, lms_s_unchecked = -1, lms_s_pr = 0,
    lms_s_pr_hide = 0, lms_s_pr_total = 0}, be_limits = 0x0,
  be_acl = 0x391b80, be_dfltaccess = ACL_READ, be_replica = 0x3c5b00,
  be_replogfile = 0x3c2188 "/var/db/ldap/replogfile", be_update_ndn = {
    bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, be_update_refs = 0x0,
  be_pending_csn_list = 0x426c10, be_pcl_mutex = {__pthread_mutex_flags = {
      __pthread_mutex_flag1 = 4, __pthread_mutex_flag2 = 0 '\0',
      __pthread_mutex_ceiling = 0 '\0', __pthread_mutex_type = 0,
      __pthread_mutex_magic = 19800}, __pthread_mutex_lock = {
      __pthread_mutex_lock64 = {
        __pthread_mutex_pad = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"},
      __pthread_mutex_lock32 = {__pthread_ownerpid = 0,
        __pthread_lockword = 0}, __pthread_mutex_owner64 = 0},
    __pthread_mutex_data = 0}, be_pcl_mutexp = 0x3c63b8, be_syncinfo = 0x0,
  be_pb = 0x0, be_cf_ocs = 0x33cbf8, be_private = 0x3c63f0, be_next = {
    stqe_next = 0x0}}
        cb = {sc_next = 0xf7fff3a0,
  sc_response = 0xda54c <over_back_response>, sc_cleanup = 0,
  sc_private = 0x3c6728}
        rc = 32768
#11 0x000daac0 in over_op_modify (op=0xf7fff3f0, rs=0xf7fff3b0)
    at backover.c:585
No locals.
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#12 0xfeeb42b0 in ppolicy_bind_resp (op=0x441f58, rs=0xf7fffd30)
    at ppolicy.c:941
        op2 = {o_hdr = 0x442028, o_tag = 102, o_time = 1137691838,
  o_tincr = 15, o_bd = 0xf7fff9e0, o_req_dn = {bv_len = 60,
    bv_val = 0x16633f4 "uid=hul251,ou=People,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"}, o_req_ndn = {bv_len = 60,
    bv_val = 0x16634bc "uid=hul251,ou=people,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"}, o_request = {oq_add = {rs_e = 0x2522770, rs_modlist = 0x8}, oq_bind = {
      rb_method = 38938480, rb_cred = {bv_len = 8,
        bv_val = 0x2987190 "BEVER13Y"}, rb_edn = {bv_len = 60,
        bv_val = 0x252ad28 "uid=hul251,ou=People,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"}, rb_ssf = 0, rb_tmp_mech = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}},
    oq_compare = {rs_ava = 0x2522770}, oq_modify = {rs_modlist = 0x2522770,
      rs_increment = 8}, oq_modrdn = {rs_newrdn = {bv_len = 38938480,
        bv_val = 0x8 <Address 0x8 out of bounds>}, rs_nnewrdn = {
        bv_len = 43544976, bv_val = 0x3c <Address 0x3c out of bounds>},
      rs_newSup = 0x252ad28, rs_nnewSup = 0x0, rs_deleteoldrdn = 0},
    oq_search = {rs_scope = 38938480, rs_deref = 8, rs_slimit = 43544976,
      rs_tlimit = 60, rs_limit = 0x252ad28, rs_attrsonly = 0, rs_attrs = 0x0,
      rs_filter = 0x0, rs_filterstr = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}},
    oq_abandon = {rs_msgid = 38938480}, oq_cancel = {rs_msgid = 38938480},
    oq_extended = {rs_reqoid = {bv_len = 38938480,
        bv_val = 0x8 <Address 0x8 out of bounds>}, rs_flags = 43544976,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
      rs_reqdata = 0x3c}, oq_pwdexop = {rs_extended = {rs_reqoid = {
          bv_len = 38938480, bv_val = 0x8 <Address 0x8 out of bounds>},
        rs_flags = 43544976, rs_reqdata = 0x3c}, rs_old = {bv_len = 38972712,
        bv_val = 0x0}, rs_new = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, rs_mods = 0x0,
      rs_modtail = 0x0}}, o_abandon = 0, o_cancel = 0, o_groups = 0x0,
  o_do_not_cache = 0 '\0', o_is_auth_check = 0 '\0', o_nocaching = 0 '\0',
  o_delete_glue_parent = 0 '\0', o_no_schema_check = 0 '\0',
  o_ctrlflag = '\0' <repeats 31 times>, o_controls = 0x442080, o_authz = {
    sai_method = 128, sai_mech = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, sai_dn = {
      bv_len = 50,
      bv_val = 0x3c66a8 "cn=Manager,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"},
    sai_ndn = {bv_len = 50,
      bv_val = 0x3c66e8 "cn=manager,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"},
    sai_ssf = 168, sai_transport_ssf = 0, sai_tls_ssf = 168,
    sai_sasl_ssf = 0}, o_ber = 0x29aace8, o_res_ber = 0x0,
  o_callback = 0xf7fff198, o_ctrls = 0x0, o_csn = {bv_len = 32,
    bv_val = 0x16636a4 "20060119173038Z#000000#00#000000"},
  o_private = 0xf7ffeed8, o_next = {stqe_next = 0x0}}
        r2 = {sr_type = REP_RESULT, sr_tag = 0, sr_msgid = 0, sr_err = 0,
  sr_matched = 0x0, sr_text = 0x0, sr_ref = 0x0, sr_ctrls = 0x0, sr_un = {
    sru_sasl = {r_sasldata = 0x0}, sru_extended = {r_rspoid = 0x0,
      r_rspdata = 0x0}, sru_search = {r_entry = 0x0, r_attr_flags = 0,
      r_operational_attrs = 0x0, r_attrs = 0x0, r_nentries = 0,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
      r_v2ref = 0x0}}, sr_flags = 0}
        cb = {sc_next = 0x0, sc_response = 0x6440c <slap_null_cb>,
  sc_cleanup = 0, sc_private = 0x0}
        ppb = (ppbind *) 0x1663554
        on = (slap_overinst *) 0x3c6918
        mod = (Modifications *) 0x2522770
        m = (Modifications *) 0x2522770
        pwExpired = 0
        ngut = -1
        warn = -1
        age = 0
        rc = 0
        a = (Attribute *) 0x23549d8
        now = 1137691838
        pwtime = -1
        nowstr = "20060119173038Z\000\000\000\000\000\000"
        timestamp = {bv_len = 15, bv_val = 0xf7fff4d8 "20060119173038Z"}
        bi = (BackendInfo *) 0x33a0e0
        e = (Entry *) 0x2354578
#13 0x00065084 in send_ldap_response (op=0x441f58, rs=0xf7fffd30)
    at result.c:312
        sc2 = (slap_callback *) 0x1663544
        sc = (slap_callback *) 0xf7fff9d0
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        sc_prev = (slap_callback **) 0xf7fff9d0
        sc_next = (slap_callback *) 0x2981238
        berbuf = {
  buffer = '\0' <repeats 13 times>, "B¯ þ-Y\210\000\000\000\235\000\n", '\0' <repeats 16 times>, "\004@þ,8H\000\000\000\000þ/7x\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000þ/?@þ,<\230", '\0' <repeats 85 times>, "B¯ þ-Y\210\000\000\003\032\000\n", '\0' <repeats 37 times>, "\005", '\0' <repeats 47 times>, "\036", ialign = 0,
  lalign = 0, falign = 0, dalign = 0, palign = 0x0}
        ber = (BerElement *) 0xf7fff5e8
        rc = 32768
        bytes = 0
#14 0x00066358 in slap_send_ldap_result (op=0x441f58, rs=0xf7fffd30)
    at result.c:583
        tmp = 0x0
        otext = 0x0
        oref = (BerVarray) 0x0
#15 0x0011a188 in bdb_bind (op=0x441f58, rs=0xf7fffd30) at bind.c:205
        bdb = (struct bdb_info *) 0x3c63f0
        e = (Entry *) 0x2354578
        a = (Attribute *) 0x2354800
        ei = (EntryInfo *) 0x2354a18
        password = (AttributeDescription *) 0x377190
        locker = 157
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        lock = {off = 0, ndx = 794, gen = 3110, mode = DB_LOCK_READ}
#16 0x000da7a0 in overlay_op_walk (op=0x441f58, rs=0xf7fffd30, which=op_bind,
    oi=0x3c6728, on=0x0) at backover.c:499
        func = (BI_op_bind **) 0x33a10c
        rc = 32768
#17 0x000da9b0 in over_op_func (op=0x441f58, rs=0xf7fffd30, which=op_bind)
    at backover.c:551
        oi = (slap_overinfo *) 0x3c6728
        on = (slap_overinst *) 0x3c6918
        be = (BackendDB *) 0x3c62e8
        db = {bd_info = 0x33a0e0,
  be_ctrls = "\000\001\000\000\000\001\000\001\000\001\001\001\000\001", '\0' <repeats 18 times>, "\001", be_flags = 272, be_restrictops = 0, be_requires = 0,
  be_ssf_set = {sss_ssf = 0, sss_transport = 0, sss_tls = 0, sss_sasl = 0,
    sss_update_ssf = 128, sss_update_transport = 0, sss_update_tls = 128,
    sss_update_sasl = 0, sss_simple_bind = 128}, be_suffix = 0x3c5aa0,
  be_nsuffix = 0x3c5ab8, be_schemadn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0},
  be_schemandn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, be_rootdn = {bv_len = 50,
    bv_val = 0x3c66a8 "cn=Manager,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"},
  be_rootndn = {bv_len = 50,
    bv_val = 0x3c66e8 "cn=manager,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"},
  be_rootpw = {bv_len = 29,
    bv_val = 0x390f30 "{MD5}lzQKjgpRGHy+t0DCNwy1Bw=="},
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
  be_max_deref_depth = 15, be_def_limit = {lms_t_soft = 3600, lms_t_hard = 0,
    lms_s_soft = 10000, lms_s_hard = 0, lms_s_unchecked = -1, lms_s_pr = 0,
    lms_s_pr_hide = 0, lms_s_pr_total = 0}, be_limits = 0x0,
  be_acl = 0x391b80, be_dfltaccess = ACL_READ, be_replica = 0x3c5b00,
  be_replogfile = 0x3c2188 "/var/db/ldap/replogfile", be_update_ndn = {
    bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, be_update_refs = 0x0,
  be_pending_csn_list = 0x426c10, be_pcl_mutex = {__pthread_mutex_flags = {
      __pthread_mutex_flag1 = 4, __pthread_mutex_flag2 = 0 '\0',
      __pthread_mutex_ceiling = 0 '\0', __pthread_mutex_type = 0,
      __pthread_mutex_magic = 19800}, __pthread_mutex_lock = {
      __pthread_mutex_lock64 = {
        __pthread_mutex_pad = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"},
      __pthread_mutex_lock32 = {__pthread_ownerpid = 0,
        __pthread_lockword = 0}, __pthread_mutex_owner64 = 0},
    __pthread_mutex_data = 0}, be_pcl_mutexp = 0x3c63b8, be_syncinfo = 0x0,
  be_pb = 0x0, be_cf_ocs = 0x33cbf8, be_private = 0x3c63f0, be_next = {
    stqe_next = 0x0}}
        cb = {sc_next = 0x1663544, sc_response = 0xda54c <over_back_response>,
  sc_cleanup = 0, sc_private = 0x3c6728}
        rc = 32768
#18 0x000daa00 in over_op_bind (op=0x441f58, rs=0xf7fffd30) at backover.c:561
No locals.
#19 0x0007a894 in fe_op_bind (op=0x441f58, rs=0xf7fffd30) at bind.c:405
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        mech = {bv_len = 6, bv_val = 0x2cdef0 "SIMPLE"}
#20 0x00079d50 in do_bind (op=0x441f58, rs=0xf7fffd30) at bind.c:200
        ber = (BerElement *) 0x29aace8
        version = 3
        method = 128
        mech = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}
        dn = {bv_len = 60,
  bv_val = 0x2987152 "uid=hul251,ou=People,ou=uk,ou=cati,dc=emea,dc=group,dc=local"}
        tag = 128
        be = (Backend *) 0x0
#21 0x0004df30 in connection_operation (ctx=0xf7fffe08, arg_v=0x441f58)
    at connection.c:1307
        rc = 80
        op = (Operation *) 0x441f58
        rs = {sr_type = REP_RESULT, sr_tag = 97, sr_msgid = 1, sr_err = 49,
  sr_matched = 0x0, sr_text = 0x0, sr_ref = 0x0, sr_ctrls = 0x0, sr_un = {
    sru_sasl = {r_sasldata = 0x0}, sru_extended = {r_rspoid = 0x0,
      r_rspdata = 0x0}, sru_search = {r_entry = 0x0, r_attr_flags = 0,
      r_operational_attrs = 0x0, r_attrs = 0x0, r_nentries = 0,
      r_v2ref = 0x0}}, sr_flags = 0}
        tag = 96
        opidx = 0
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
        conn = (Connection *) 0x4331c0
        memctx = (void *) 0x165a2d0
        memctx_null = (void *) 0x0
        memsiz = 1048576
#22 0x0016d9f0 in ldap_int_thread_pool_wrapper (xpool=0x379520) at tpool.c:481
        pool = (struct ldap_int_thread_pool_s *) 0x379520
        ctx = (ldap_int_thread_ctx_t *) 0x428f28
        ltc_key = {{ltk_key = 0xc2908, ltk_data = 0x165a2d0,
    ltk_free = 0xc263c <slap_sl_mem_destroy>}, {ltk_key = 0x42ac20,
    ltk_data = 0x9d, ltk_free = 0x11c908 <bdb_locker_id_free>}, {
    ltk_key = 0xf12ec, ltk_data = 0x1763100,
    ltk_free = 0xf12c4 <search_stack_free>}, {ltk_key = 0x424b50,
    ltk_data = 0x45, ltk_free = 0x11c908 <bdb_locker_id_free>}, {
    ltk_key = 0x426fb0, ltk_data = 0x45,
    ltk_free = 0x11c908 <bdb_locker_id_free>}, {ltk_key = 0x428b08,
    ltk_data = 0x47, ltk_free = 0x11c908 <bdb_locker_id_free>}, {
    ltk_key = 0x0, ltk_data = 0x0, ltk_free = 0} <repeats 26 times>}
        tid = 4
        i = 4
        keyslot = 4
        hash = 4
#23 0xfef157bc in _lwp_start () from /usr/lib/libthread.so.1
No symbol table info available.
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#24 0xfef157bc in _lwp_start () from /usr/lib/libthread.so.1
No symbol table info available.
Previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)


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