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Re: (ITS#4347) ldap hang for update

> Somehow in config it saids LDAPv3.
> The slapd or ldapsearch, ldapmodify I'm using is version 2.2.13

2.2.13 sounds more reasonable; but 2.2 series is no longer maintained.

> >>it
> >>blocks
> >>the update or add to any objectclass.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Sounds like you're using the LDBM backend,

... or slapd was compiled without threads support.

Can you answer the two above questions?

- using database ldbm
- compiled without threads support


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
Responsabile Open Solution
OpenLDAP Core Team

SysNet s.n.c.
Via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office:   +39.02.23998309          
Mobile:   +39.333.4963172
Email:    pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it