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Re: (ITS#4184) Lockup when moding one particular entry

On Thu, 2005-11-17 at 23:13 +0000, davidke@whidbey.net wrote:
> I have put up on my website the slapd.conf and the two ldifs for each database
> that I used for anyone who wants to independently verify this problem.
> http://ww2.whidbey.net/davidke/openldap.html
> The file and line of code that it will hang on is:

I followed the directions in the above link, and I could easily
reproduce the problem.  The issue is that you use the __very__ same
DB_CONFIG for both databases, which means that the two databases share
the same transaction logs dir.  If you comment out the

set_lg_dir /var/log/bdb

statement, the problem disappears.

I wonder if it's possible to determine programmatically that a log dir
is already in use by another database environment.


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
Responsabile Open Solution

SysNet s.n.c.
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Email:    pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it