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Re: (ITS#3809) db library detection procedure

Kurt@OpenLDAP.org wrote:

>This environment is not proper.  A 4.3.28 version of db.h
>should have been provided (first) to go along with 4.3.27
>version of -ldb-4.3.

I think the point Walter is trying to make is that since version 4.3.27 
must exist in the default location of that system for other reasons, and 
he's trying to have the OpenLDAP suite pick the specific version 4.2.52 
from /opt/foo/*, as indicated by the -L and -I flags; but then the 
configure looks for special versions of the db library to link, going 
from newer to older, so it first detects the 4.3 in /usr/lib (which has 
to be in the search path for other reasons) instead of the 4.2 in 
(opt/foo/lib it was instructed to use by the -I and -L flags.
As soon as one version is detected as usable in terms of headers, the 
configure could try to locate the corresponding library instead of 
trying a given fixed order and fail because of the mismatch.  If the 
headers of version 4.2 have been detected, the search for the library 
could start from db-4.2 instead of db-4.3.


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