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(ITS#3806) error with space in the rootdn clause

Full_Name: philippe Spahis
Version: 2.3.4
OS: linux fedora core 2
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (


--------In the file slapd.conf, with theses values :

# Minimum syndical pour definir le back-config

database        config
rootdn          "cn=Directory Manager,cn=config"
rootpw          leon
directory       /ldap/openldap/etc/openldap/slapd.d

# BDB database definitions
database        bdb
suffix          "o=marcel,c=fr"
rootdn          "cn=Zobi Lamouche,o=marcel,c=fr"
rootpw          leon

--------Slapd return when launched twice :

line 1 (cn=Zobi Lamouche,o=marcel,c=fr)
olcRootDN: value #0: <olcRootDN> extra cruft after <dn> ignored
line 1 (leon)
olcRootPW: value #0: <olcRootPW> can only be set when rootdn is under suffix
slapd stopped.

--------When the space enter Zobi and Lamouche is omitted, it's Ok

--------Sorry for my english