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Re: (ITS#3653) ldapsearch -b option doesn't work if there isn't a space

At 08:57 PM 4/11/2005, quanah@stanford.edu wrote:
>Full_Name: Quanah Gibson-mount
>Version: 2.2.24
>OS: Solaris 8
>URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
>Submission from: (NULL) (
>When running ldapsearch, this will work:
>ldapsearch -x -s base -hlocalhost -b '' +
>but this will not:
>ldapsearch -x -s base -hlocalhost -b'' +

The proper (and documented) usage is:
        ldapsearch -x -s base -h localhost -b '' +


># extended LDIF
># LDAPv3
># base <+> with scope base
># filter: (objectclass=*)
># requesting: ALL
>instead of
># extended LDIF
># LDAPv3
># base <> with scope base
># filter: (objectclass=*)
># requesting: +