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(ITS#3433) abandon sigsegv when using global overlays

Full_Name: Pierangelo Masarati
Version: HEAD
OS: Linux RHEL3
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

During a regular search, with the chain verlay stacked as global, connection
closing causes the following.  I have been unable to trace where the o_bd filed
is cleared.


0x080d2fb7 in over_op_func (op=0xb6c00450, rs=0xb6c003b0, which=op_abandon)
    at backover.c:256
256             slap_overinfo *oi = op->o_bd->bd_info->bi_private;
(gdb) bt
#0  0x080d2fb7 in over_op_func (op=0xb6c00450, rs=0xb6c003b0, which=op_abandon)
    at backover.c:256
#1  0x080d3266 in over_op_abandon (op=0xb6c00450, rs=0xb6c003b0)
    at backover.c:346
#2  0x080801c7 in connection_abandon (c=0xb6c04088) at connection.c:725
#3  0x0808036a in connection_closing (c=0xb6c04088) at connection.c:759
#4  0x080819ce in connection_read (s=12) at connection.c:1331
#5  0x0807e711 in slapd_daemon_task (ptr=0x0) at daemon.c:1871
#6  0xb73acdac in start_thread () from /lib/tls/libpthread.so.0
#7  0xb72afa8a in clone () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
(gdb) p op
$1 = (Operation *) 0xb6c00450
(gdb) p op->o_bd
$2 = (BackendDB *) 0x0