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Re: (ITS#3409) libldap_r optimization

raphael.ouazana@linagora.com wrote:

>Full_Name: Raphael Ouazana
>Version: All
>OS: Linux
>URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
>Submission from: (NULL) (
>On Linux and as indicated in RFC 3493, getaddrinfo must be thread-safe. So I
>think it shouldn't be locked as it is now in os-ip.c
>Not locking it brings really better performances for libldap_r and in particular
>for back-ldap and back-meta.
>I know that on some systems the implementation of getaddrinfo is not
>thread-safe, but I think it should be considered as thread-safe by default, and
>locked for particular cases where it is not (maybe by configure if it is
>possible, or by hard coded #define else).
The analysis looks correct; a reliable way to detect at configure time 
if getaddrinfo is reentrant is needed.


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