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Re: (ITS#3395) rw-overlay is not rewriting

dieter@dkluenter.de wrote:

>Hello Ando,
>"Pierangelo Masarati" <ando@sys-net.it> writes:
>>>"Pierangelo Masarati" <ando@sys-net.it> writes:
>>>>It works if you use the correct syntax, i.e. prefix all statements with
>>>>rwm-, e.g.
>>>>overlay rwm
>>>>rwm-suffixmassage <real naming context>
>>>As I had read your mail, thit was my first configuration, but that
>>>failed as reported
>>in your initial bug report, the "rwm-" was missing.  I confirm a
>>configuration with
>>overlay rwm
>>suffixmassage "<vnc>" "<rnc>"
>I agree that I missed to mention that I had tried with
>'rwm-suffixmassage' as well. But I had tested various configuration
>options that evening and only the reported was successfull.
>I have now tested with a monday evening cvs update and can confirm,
>that the following configuration is properly working
Now it should work in all three cases (with the previously highlighted 
penalty when the overlay is explicitly instantiated but the legacy 
statements without the "rwm-" prefix are used).  Ciao, Thanks for 
spotting the problem, though.  Ciao, Ando.

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