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Re: ldapadd rejects zero-length attribute value in ldif (ITS#3363)

At 08:24 AM 10/11/2004, vchevalier@linagora.com wrote:
>This is what looks strange :
>   the ldif rfc says you can have a zero-length value in an ldif file

The LDIF RFC says nothing of whether a value is valid per
the syntax of the attribute.

>   the ldap rfc says you can have a zero-length value in a search response

Yes, where the syntax of an attribute allows zero-length
values, those values may be returned.  (Also note that LDIF
RFC says nothing about how to represent search results.)

>   the ldap rfc says you can't have a zero-length value in a directory

No.  LDAP RFCs say that whether values can be zero-length
or not depends on the syntax of the attribute.

>So if you say that the ldapadd tool must send zero-length values to the
>directory, there is a strange situation :

The remainder is strange as it doesn't fully account for
all aspects of the LDAP technical specification(s).
