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Re: bdb cannot allocate memory (ITS#3287)
Try running db_recover on your database. Read the Sleepycat BDB
documentation for more details.
undefine@aramin.net wrote:
>Full_Name: Andrzej Dopierała
>Version: 2.2.15
>OS: gnu/linux, 2.6.5
>URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
>Submission from: (NULL) (
>my test ldap server after some tests died. not it doesn't start:
>bdb_db_open: dbenv_open(/var/lib/openldap-data)
>=> bdb_last_id: get failed: Cannot allocate memory (12)
>bdb_db_open: last_id(/var/lib/openldap-data) failed: Cannot allocate memory (12)
>backend_startup: bi_db_open failed! (12)
>strace isn't so usefull:
>i have no idea what it is doing - i'm openldap newbie ;)
-- Howard Chu
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