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Re: Feature request: ldapadd/slapadd and utf-8 (ITS#2818)

ldapadd/slapadd expect input to be LDIF.  That is, the input
is expected to conform to RFC 2849.  LDIF is a UTF-8 encoded
Unicoded based format.  Character sets/encoding transliteration
issues are intended to addressed by the application generating the
LDIF or, when generated by a human, the responsibility of
the human to transliterate to UTF-8 encoded Unicode.


At 06:22 AM 11/10/2003, andreas@conectiva.com.br wrote:
>Full_Name: Andreas Hasenack
>Version: 2.1.23
>OS: GNU/Linux 2.6.0-something
>URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
>Submission from: (NULL) (
>This is a feature request.
>Nowadays, when encountering accented characters, ldapadd/slapadd exit with an
>error. These entries should be in UTF-8 format, and base64 encoded.
>It would be much easier for the user if such entries were automatically
>detected, converted to UTF-8 and base64 encoded instead of expecting the user to
>perform these steps.
>I don't know if this feature request breaks any standard, though, or something
>else. I hope not.