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case match in sasl-regexp (ITS#2791)
Full_Name: Allan E. Johannesen
Version: 2.2.2beta
OS: Linux
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (
slapd.conf had a regexp
sasl-regexp uid=(.*),cn=wpi.edu,cn=gssapi,cn=auth
which worked up through 2.1.23, but failed in 2.2.2beta. Raising the case of
the cn pattern to WPI.EDU resulted in success.
I just submitted issue report 2790 which described a case-matching requirement
of dn's which appears to be with 2.2 and don't know whether that case match
requirement or this case match requirement is a designed change for 2.2 or an