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able to add an entry without parent (ITS#2757)

Full_Name: Jong Hyuk Choi
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

Moving the orphan entry add issue outstanding in the
devel list into the ITS.

It does look like the code can be simplified quite a bit...
but I'm not sure dnParent() can or should be changed.  I
think we should confine the fix to add.c and modrdn.c for now.

>when the entry is the context prefix (or, as a special
>case, when the entry DN has only one RDN and the
>context prefix is the empty DN). 

The next if statement (be_issuffix() || be_isupdate()) also 
does not seem to be correct. 
Wondering if dnParent() can be changed to 
        /* one-level dn */ 
        if ( p == NULL ) { 
                pdn = slap_empty_bv; 
then the above condition meets automatically. 

btw, the same applies for modrdn. 

- Jong 
It seems to be a part of umich ldap legacy. 
- Jong 
I thought that check in the code only applied for root adding
the suffix entry. If not, it probably needs to be changed.
  -- Howard Chu
I think the !be-is_root() check should be removed.
The server should, within a naming context, ensure
that each entry has a parent.  The parent-less
add should only be allowed (subject to access controls)
when the entry is the context prefix (or, as a special
case, when the entry DN has only one RDN and the
context prefix is the empty DN).

The addition of an entry that does not have parent is 
permitted when adding as the rootdn. 
(back-bdb/add.c:287  back-ldbm/add.c:240) 
RFC2251 says the parent MUST exist and hence 
it seems that !be_is_root() checking should be removed. 
Does anyone know of reasons not to remove this ? 
- Jong 