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Re: ACL using the a filter to specify a target (ITS#1638)

That's filter is Undefined.  A fix for the crash will be
provided in a subsequent release.  The work around is to
use defined filters.


At 02:24 PM 2002-03-09, christian@metamerge.com wrote:
>Full_Name: Christian Chateauvieux
>Version: 2.0.23
>OS: Linux
>URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
>Submission from: (NULL) (
>I am working on ACL using the filter keyword.
>I can write in my slapd.conf
>access to dn.children="ou=people,o=org"
>filter="(&(mail=*)(objectClass=mmCustomer))" attrs=userPassword
>by users write
>by * none
>but the following would fail (the filter is slightly diffenrent)
>access to dn.children="ou=people,o=metamerge"
>filter="(&(mail=*.edu)(objectClass=mmCustomer))" attrs=userPassword
>by users write
>by * none
>slapd segfaults when I restart it.
>Am I doing something wrong?
>Many thanks