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Typo in configure (ITS#1468)

Full_Name: Graeme Mathieson
Version: 2.0.18
OS: Debian GNU/Linux (Woody)
Submission from: (NULL) (

There's a small typo in configure.in in release 2.0.18.  It's easiest to point
out with a diff:

--- openldap-2.0.18/configure.in~	Tue Oct 23 16:47:45 2001
+++ openldap-2.0.18/configure.in	Wed Nov 28 14:34:51 2001
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
 if test $ol_enable_kbind = yes -o $ol_enable_kpasswd = yes ; then
 	if test $ol_with_kerberos = no ; then
 		AC_MSG_ERROR([options require --with-kerberos])
-	elif $ol_with_kerberos = auto ; then
+	elif test $ol_with_kerberos = auto ; then