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Re: libtool compilation failures (ITS#795)

At 04:27 PM 10/2/00 +0000, jlittle@open-it.org wrote:
>I could be wrong in this and overstating the case, but its no end of
>frustration, and I still consider it an open issue.

The application developer has already 'libtoolized' the application
and has ensured that the build environment is self consistent.

If another developer wants to update the version of libtool used,
then that application developer needs to ensure the resultant
build environment is self consistent.

If the RPM system wants to update the version of libtool used,
than the RPM system needs to ensure the resultant build systems
is self consistent.  I do not see how it possible to automate
such an update.

This isn't really an OpenLDAP issue, it's an RPM issue.
