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previous results in new search (ITS#404)

Full_Name: Rolf Jakob
Version: 1.2
OS: Linux
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

A call to ldap_result supplies search results from a previous unfinished
in case you started an ldap_search before ldap_result returned with
Clear ? No ?
Ok, what I did was : I started ldap_search which I know would deliver more than
one result. As I started to write a C++ class for this, I took only the first
result and with the next ldap_search for another pattern w/o disconnecting I
the remaining results from the previous search.
Now I take all results as this was my intention anyway and it works great.
I just think with a new ldap_search it should throw away the old results.