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Re: Digital UNIX changes (ITS#139)

At 02:02 AM 4/27/99 GMT, you wrote:
>It's not a problem, per se.  I just thought you would appreciate knowing that
>software doesn't compile out of the box, and thought I would tell you what I did
>get it to compile.

We know.  configure requires help on some systems.  Per our FAQ
(http://www.openldap.org/faq/index.cgi?file=89), you might try:

	CC=cc CFLAGS=-pthread ./configure

Should do the trick under Digital Unix (or whatever it's called this week).

We currently testing a new pthread tests which should minimize the amount
of hinting required.

>First, it requires the use of the system 'cc' compiler as gcc has some issues
>with a few of the system headers which are required for this code.

Under -devel, we are experimenting with not promoting CC to gcc when undefined.

>Second, it misconfigures and believes that certain of the POSIX thread functions
>are not found or not working.  I hacked configure to not really check for these and
>was able to get it working.

We currently testing a new pthread tests which should minimize the amount
of hinting required.

>Third it doesn't know to link in some of the appropriate libraries for Digital
>I supplemented the line containing -lpthreads in each Makefile with the
>-lpthread -lpthreads -lmach -lexc -lc        as per the Digital web site.  You
>find more information if you are interested at:

I recommend using compiler flags (-pthread under Digital Unix) instead
of specifying libraries.
