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Re: [ldapext] Searchable distinguishedValue operational attribute

Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote:
At 01:19 PM 7/26/2004, Jim Sermersheim wrote:

Do any LDAP servers support a searchable attribute which matches on (one
or more of) an entry's RDN values? This would allow a search like
(distinguishedValue=abc) to match for all entries that have abc as a
distinguished value (i.e. dc=abc,dc=com. or cn=xyz+ou=abc,o=acme)

I believe you should be able to use the componentFilterMatch rule,
in combination with the entryDN operational attribute (or other
attribute which holds the entry's DN) to accomplish such matching.

Yes, that will work. The search filter would look something like this (the identified component is a DirectoryString value):

    item:{ component "-1.*.value.(dc)",
           rule caseIgnoreMatch,
           value "abc" })


    item:{ component "-1.*.value.(ou)",
           rule caseIgnoreMatch,
           value "abc" })

Note that a specific attribute type needs to be nominated.

The following would also work (the identified component is an

    item:{ component "-1.*",
           rule directoryComponentsMatch,
           value { type dc, value "abc" }})


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