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Re: [ldapext] draft-zeilenga-ldap-adlist-06.txt

In my experience, user defined object classes reference only user attributes and syntax schema object classes (e.g. subentry) reference mostly operational attributes. Separate mechanisms for requesting only the user attributes or only the operational attributes would not seem to achieve very much.


Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote:
At 02:33 PM 11/11/2003, Jim Sermersheim wrote:

This draft allows the search attribute selection list to be specified as all attributes allowed by a given object class.

It may be useful to allow the distinction between all user attributes allowed by a given obejct class and all operational attributes allowed by a given object class.

While that may be useful, I rather keep this mechanism a simple short hand.
That is, I prefer a mechanism where the input can be expanded to the output
list of attribute types identifiers without having to know the particulars
of these attribute types.


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