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Fresh Email List, Super Low Price: Limited Time Only!!!

100 Milllion Email List For Only $49.95

100 MILLION EMAILS  + Bulk Mailing Software For Only $49.95
                            super low price!

Our Fresh Addresses Will Bring You 
Incredible Results!

If you REALLY want to get the word out regarding
your services or products, Bulk Email is the BEST 
way to do so, PERIOD! Advertising in newsgroups is 
good but you're competing with hundreds even THOUSANDS
of other ads. Will your customer's see YOUR ad in the 
midst of all the others?

Bulk Email will allow you to DIRECTLY contact your
potential customers. They are much more likely to
take the time to read about what you have to offer 
if it was as easy as reading it via email rather
than searching through countless postings in 


If you want to get removed from our list please email 
at-sremove@mailcity.com (subject= remove "your email")