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Discrepancies Between the ASN.1 and ABNF for the ACI Syntax


The ASN.1 for the ACI syntax given in draft-ietf-ldapext-acl-model-08.txt
corresponds to an earlier iteration of the ABNF actually published.
Consequently, there are apparent semantic discrepancies between the ABNF
and ASN.1 definitions. The version of the ASN.1 that is intended to conform
to the ABNF published in draft-ietf-ldapext-acl-model-08.txt is as follows.



    AttributeType, DistinguishedName, CONTEXT
        FROM InformationFramework; -- from [X501]

    rights      SEQUENCE {
        grant           Permissions OPTIONAL,
        deny        [1] Permissions OPTIONAL }
            (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., grant PRESENT } |
            WITH COMPONENTS { ..., deny PRESENT }),
            -- at least one of grant or deny must be present --
    attr        CHOICE {
        all             NULL,
        entry       [1] NULL,
        attributes      SET (1..MAX) OF AttributeTypeAndOptions },
    subject     GeneralSubject

-- An X.500 representation for an LDAP Attribute Description --
AttributeTypeAndOptions ::= SEQUENCE {
    type        AttributeType,
    type-name   UTF8String OPTIONAL,
        -- A hint of what LDAP textual name to use when encoding an
        -- AttributeTypeAndOptions as an <AttributeDescription>.
    options     SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF CONTEXT.&Assertion OPTIONAL
        -- A future revision will constrain CONTEXT.&Assertion to be
        -- the context assertion syntax of the CONTEXT information
        -- object defined by the X.500 working group to represent
        -- LDAP attribute options in the X.500 protocols.
        -- This is likely to be the UTF8String type.

GeneralSubject ::= SEQUENCE {
    context     AuthnLevel,
    pureSubject PureSubject

AuthnLevel ::= ENUMERATED {
    none    (0),
    weak    (1),
    limited (2),
    strong  (3)

PureSubject ::= CHOICE {
    anySubject          NULL,
    machineSubject  [1] MachineSubject,
    idBasedSubject  [2] IDBasedSubject
    -- may be expanded per [AuthMeth] --

MachineSubject ::= CHOICE {
    ipAddress       SET OF IPAddressRange,
    dns         [1] SET OF PartialDomainName

IPAddressRange ::= CHOICE {
    single      IPAddress,
    range       SEQUENCE {
        lowerBound  IPAddress,
        upperBound  IPAddress

IPAddress ::= UTF8String

-- The character contents of an IPAddress string are encoded
-- according to the <ipAddress> rule in Section 4.1.1.

PartialDomainName ::= UTF8String

-- The character contents of a PartialDomainName string are encoded
-- according to the <partialdomainname> rule in Section 4.1.1.

IDBasedSubject ::= CHOICE {
    thisSubject         NULL,
    oneSubject      [1] OneSubject,
    setOfSubjects   [2] SetOfSubjects

OneSubject ::= CHOICE {
    dn      DistinguishedName,
    user    UTF8String

SetOfSubjects ::= CHOICE {
    role        DistinguishedName,
    group   [1] DistinguishedName,
    subtree [2] DistinguishedName

Permissions ::= BIT STRING {
    add                 (0),
    delete              (1),
    export              (2),
    import              (3),
    renameDN            (4),
    browseDN            (5),
    viewEntry           (6),
    returnDN            (7),
    read                (8),
    search              (9),
    searchPresence      (10),
    write               (11),
    obliterate          (12),
    compare             (13),
    make                (14),
    unveil              (15),
    getEffectiveRights  (16) }
    (CONSTRAINED BY { -- at least one bit must be set -- })

-- permissions read, write, obliterate, search,
--   searchPresence, compare, make work on attributes
-- permissions add, delete, export, import, renameDN,
--   browseDN, viewEntry, returnDN, unveil,
--   getEffectiveRights work on entries