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Need Money? I Can Help...Give It A Try! -IQSV


Now that I have your attention?here?s how it?s done?

?The Home Mailing Program?  

Everything you wanted to know about making money but was afraid to ask!

Do you find yourself saying?
?The holidays are coming.  It would sure be nice to have some extra money to buy gifts.?
?It would be wonderful if I didn?t have to use my credit cards all the time?
?After all the bills are paid?there?s nothing left?
?I could really use a vacation?how can I afford one??
?I can?t stand getting up every morning to go to work.  I hate my job, I don?t like my boss and my co-
workers are idiots.  I would love to start my own business but how in the world can I afford the start up 

Think about it.  Do you feel the ?money crunch? after paying bills?  Are you swimming in a sea of debt?  
Are you using those credit cards more often than what you should?  Do you see a better lifestyle for 
yourself and your family?  

If you answered yes to any of these questions or have heard yourself saying any of the quotes above, I 
can definitely help.  


Once you order ?The Home Mailing Program? you will soon find that it will start you on your way to 
financial freedom.  Once you order the report, you will find that you can make a lot of money in only a few 
hours a week.  What a program!  You can develop it to fit your lifestyle.  The cost of this program is very 
small?only $20!  Other programs cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars and owning a franchise 
can cost up to a million dollars! You have the opportunity to make $300?$500?even $1000 a week!  Not 
in a month or a year?a week!  You can see that you will get your initial investment of $20 back from this 
program many times over.  WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH YOUR EXTRA INCOME?

To explain to you a little of how it works.  Let?s say you can only find a half an hour during the day, a few 
days a week.  You will make very good money.  If you have an hour a day, a few days a week, you will 
make even better money.  I think you get the picture?the more free time you can put into this program the 
better the opportunity to make a lot of money.  

The best part about all of this is that you are your own boss!  You determine how much money you will 
make and how much time you want to devote to it.  There is nobody looking over your shoulder, barking 
orders at you, telling you what to do. You are working for yourself!



This is my personal guarantee.  Order the report.  Try it out for thirty (30) days.  Please give it an honest 
chance.  If you find that you are making no money at all or are not satisfied with the results, then you can 
return it for a full refund.  All I ask is that, if you return the report, that you would send with the returned 
report a copy of the check(s) that you are not satisfied with.  I personally guarantee that if you use the 
report, with a minimal amount of effort, you will be making good money.  You can?t go wrong.

(please print out the following)


YES!  Please send me my copy of ?The Home Mailing Program?.  I understand that I can make a lot of 
money using this report and have my financial dreams become a reality.  I am also aware of the personal 
guarantee.  Enclosed is my check or money order for $20 ($18 for the report and $2 for shipping and 
handling).  Rush me my copy today.





ZIP CODE: ______________________________

MAIL TO:		The Home Mailing Program
			SJM, Inc.
			309 Pershing Drive
			New Kensington, PA  15068
