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Re: numericString syntax ...

At 02:39 PM 12/20/00 -0800, Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote:
>At 01:41 PM 12/20/00 -0800, sanjay jain wrote:
>>A quick question: 
>>What is the character set for numericString syntax strings ? 
>numericString is identical in syntax to a directoryString.

Upon reflection, this statement is incorrect.  numericString
is a ASN.1 string type...

>In X.500, this implies the character set is restricted by
>a choice of printableString (subset of IA5), teletexString
>(T.61), or universalString (UCS-2).

and hence likely has significant restrictions upon allowed
characters.  "ASN.1 Complete" says 0-9 and space and when
encoded using BER are represented using the corresponding
ASCII characters.

>>Particularly, I am interested in knowing if '+'/'-' chars are 

Per "ASN.1 Complete", no.

>Numeric string matching is just like that of case ignore matching
>with all spaces being ignored.

This statement, however, appears to be correct given the
syntax restricts.

>As noted in LDAPbis WG
>discussions, more specific references to X.500 specifications
>are needed.

This is an example of why more specific references are needed.

Now it's to go look at my numeric string syntax validation
function... :-)
