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Re: Duplicate entries filter

Oh yeah, now I remember.  This is an addition that Kurt pointed out should be there. The thinking was that it'd be unexpected to return entries that don't match the search filter. This being the case, there's a bit of functionality crossover between the dupent and matchedval drafts (under the right conditions).


>>> "David Chadwick" <d.w.chadwick@salford.ac.uk> 8/5/00 5:44:38 PM >>>

as we discussed at the Pittsburgh meeting, the text still says that 
duplicate entries will only be returned that pass the filter. Is this still 
the intention or is it a mistake. Text reproduced below:

"These duplicate entries are returned to the client only if they still 
match the asserted search filter."



David Chadwick
IS Institute, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT
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