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RE: I-D ACTION:draft-zeilenga-ldap-authpasswd-00.txt

At 02:50 PM 12/22/99 -0800, Paul Leach (Exchange) wrote: 
> I have a clarification question. 
> In section 3, "Background and Intended Use", it says: 
>  authPassword is intended to be used to store hashed password values 
>  for authentication purposes.  The attribute may be used by servers to 
>  implement LDAP simple bind and SASL [RFC 2222] user/password 
>  mechanisms such as DIGEST-MD5 [DIGEST-MD5]. 
> Which "servers" are you referring to? In particular, is it intended
> to be used by the LDAP server storing it for authentication purposes,
> or by other servers?

To clarify:
	The attribute may be used by LDAP servers to implement
	simple bind and SASL user/password mechanisms such as

That is, an LDAP server may use authPassword for in-directory
storage of authentication information.  AuthPassword may be
used for other applications, but that is not its intended use.

Note also that I am using the term "implement" in the general
sense.  I presume that LDAP implementors will leverage available
SASL services.

Kurt D. Zeilenga		<kurt@boolean.net>
Net Boolean Incorporated	<http://www.boolean.net/>