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integer ordering matching rule and RFC2252


Suppose I want to define an integer-valued attribute. In X.500-93
this might look something like:

myCounter ATTRIBUTE ::= {
  EQUALITY MATCHING RULE id-mr-integerMatch
  ORDERING MATCHING RULE id-mr-integerOrderingMatch
  ID id-at-myCounter }

Now I want to express this thing in the RFC2252 syntax.
As far as I can tell, the IETF hasn't registered an integer
ordering matching rule. It has been suggested that I
could just use the registered rule from X.500. That is,
suppose I write:

( <numerid OID here> 
  NAME 'myCounter'
  DESC 'An attribute to represent a counter'
  EQUALITY integerMatch
  ORDERING mumble

and then the suggestion is that "mumble" can be
id-mr-integerOrderingMatch from X.500. Can I do this?
If I can, why couldn't I use X.500's id-mr-integerMatch
instead of RFC2252's integerMatch?

Thanks for any clarification. -- al