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Re: LDIF last call

I've noticed people using LDIF files to describe schema (I'll paste an excerpt).  The problem I see is that they assume an entry called cn=schema holds the schema information.  I guess this is fine as long as they know the directory using the file has been set up this way.  I believe the proper way to modify the schema is to look at the subschemaSubentry operational attribute in the root DSE and use the dn listed there.

Of course this programmatic behavior isn't available through an LDIF file.  Do we live with this, and (a) hope that users of LDIF files check and possibly modify the dn which points to the schema entry, or (b) hope that all directories converge on the use of cn=schema as the dn of their schema entry?

Or... should there be an optional keyword which means "schema entry"?  Something like this would work:
dn-spec              = ("dn:" *SPACE dn) / ("dn::" *SPACE base64-dn) / "schemaentry"

Hmm, not really a dn anymore.  Also, this makes certain assumptions about there being only one schema entry.  Any ideas?

-- pasted excerpt --
dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: attributetypes
attributetypes: ( NAME 'fw1ISAKMP-DataEncMethod' SYNTAX '' )

dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: attributetypes
attributetypes: ( NAME 'fw1enc-methods' SYNTAX '' )

dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: objectclasses
objectclasses: ( NAME 'fw1template' DESC 'FireWall-1 Template'  SUP 'top'  MUST ( cn ) MAY ( description $ fw1auth-method $ fw1auth-server $ fw1pwdlastmod $ fw1skey-number $ fw1skey-seed $ fw1skey-passwd $ fw1skey-mdm $ fw1expiration-date $ fw1hour-range-from $ fw1hour-range-to  $ fw1day $ fw1allowed-src $ fw1allowed-dst $ fw1allowed-vlan $ fw1SR-keym $ fw1SR-datam $ fw1SR-mdm $ fw1enc-fwz-expiration $ fw1exception-track $ fw1grouptemplate $ fw1ISAKMP-EncMethod $ fw1ISAKMP-AuthMethods $ fw1ISAKMP-HashMethods $ fw1ISAKMP-Transform $ fw1ISAKMP-DataIntegrityMethod $ fw1ISAKMP-SharedSecret $ fw1ISAKMP-DataEncMethod $ fw1enc-methods ) )

>>> Gordon Good <ggood@netscape.com> 2/3/99 3:35:00 PM >>>
Greetings. Now that the LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format) draft has
been out for a while, I'd like to move it forward as a standards-track
document. Although it's not an LDAPEXT document, I think most of the
people who would be interested in providing review comments subscribe to
this list.

I'd like to propose starting last call on Monday, 8 February, with a
review period of two weeks. On 22 February, I'll incorporate any
comments and submit the document as a proposed standard.



Gordon Good                          (opinions expressed here are mine, 
Netscape Communications Corp.         not necessarily my employer's)
Mountain View, CA