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Re: derefInSearching (was Re: protocol-27 comments #3)

Jim Sermersheim writes:
>>>> Hallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no> 11/8/04 5:59:28 AM
>>> derefInSearching: While searching, dereference any alias entry
>>> subordinate to the base object which is also in the search
>>> scope. The filter is applied to the dereferenced object(s). If
>>> the search scope is wholeSubtree, the search continues in the
>>> subtree of any dereferenced object. Aliases in that subtree are
>>> also dereferenced.
>> This seems to say that recursive dereferencing stops at alias entries
>> that are not subordinate to the base object, and that onelevel
>> searches do not recursively dereference aliases.
> How's this:
> While searching subordinates of the base object, dereference any alias
> within the search scope (the act of dereferencing an alias includes
> recursively dereferencing aliases which refer to aliases). Dereferenced
> objects become the vertices of further search scopes where the Search
> operation continues. If the search scope is wholeSubtree, the Search
> continues in the subtree(s) of any dereferenced object. If the search
> scope is singleLevel, the search is applied to any dereferenced objects,
> and is not applied to their subordinates.

I want to mix the old text with your new text, but I'm not sure how...

  Move the part about aliasing being recursive directly under
  derefAliases.  Move up 'Servers MUST detect looping...' as well.

  It was perhaps unfortunate to have 'The filter is applied to the
  dereferenced object(s).' _before_ saying that a subtree search
  continues, but OTOH 'Aliases in that subtree are also dereferenced'
  seems worth keeping.
