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hijack attack (Was: authmeth-09 comments)

RFC 2828:
   $ hijack attack
      (I) A form of active wiretapping in which the attacker seizes     
      control of a previously established communication association.
      (See: man-in-the-middle attack, pagejacking, piggyback attack.)

That is, if an LDAP client authenticates using DIGEST-MD5 but fails
to establish integrity protections, then a MITM attacker can take
over (or "hijack") the LDAP association.


At 12:16 AM 2/16/2004, Roger Harrison wrote:
>Could you provide some details about what you mean by this phrase?  I added the idea to the -10 draft several weeks ago, but I'm still not sure I know what these words mean to you.
>>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 1/6/2004 1:55:45 PM >>>
>(8) Hijacking of protocol sessions.