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Re: Fwd: Re: result code for a deleted identity on a connection

I also favor leaving this to the Security Considerations section.

I was trying to remember how operating systems I have worked on handle
this.  Unfortunately, the number of times I have been in a position to even
try the experiment is close to zero.  But I suspect this is handled in
different ways.  I know that at least one operating system does not allow
deleting a user while there are jobs running under that user; the
administrator must first boot the user off the system (probably disabling
the account first).  And I think this discussion was in the context of
AuthMeth which addresses authentication methods where the server may not be
(probably isn't) the authentication authority.  For a server to be aware of
events like deletion of an account in a Kerberos realm or revocation of
certificates (outside of the authentication process) is asking a lot.

John  McMeeking

                      Michael Ströder                                                                                                     
                      <michael@stroeder.co        To:       "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org>                                        
                      m>                          cc:       Jim Sermersheim <jimse@novell.com>, ietf-ldapbis@OpenLDAP.org                 
                      Sent by:                    Subject:  Re: Fwd: Re: result code for a deleted identity on a connection               
                      07/29/2003 03:06 AM                                                                                                 

Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote:
> My personal view on this thread is that issues of authentication
> and access control are a local matter and we should limit any
> additional text here to the Security Considerations section(s).


Ciao, Michael.