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Re: Agenda for LDAPBIS @ IETF#57

Since Roger is not here, I will present the slides on authmeth that he
sent to me.


>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 07/08 7:46 PM >>>
LDAP (v3) Revision (LDAPBIS) WG 

TUESDAY, July 15, 2003
1415-1515 Afternoon Sessions II
Hall LM

Chairs: RL "Bob" Morgan <rlmorgan@washington.edu>
        Kurt Zeilenga <kurt@openldap.org>

1) Preliminaries - 5m - chairs
2) draft-ietf-ldapbis-protocol - 20m - editor*
3) draft-ietf-ldapbis-authmeth - 20m - editor*
4) Other issues / Open mic - as time permits - WG

* other WG members will fill in where the editor is unavailable