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Re: Substrings any match on an empty string

It depends on the Assertion Value for the matching rule being used.

Which brings up an issue:
In Section 5.1 of [Syntaxes], there is a statement 
   "Note that the AssertionValue in a SubstringFilter
   [PROT] MUST conform to the assertion syntax of the equality
   rule for the attribute type rather than the assertion syntax of the
   substrings matching rule for the attribute type.  "

This does not align with [Protocol]. Steven, is this a historical
artifact, or did I screw the protocol up?


>>> "Ramsay, Ron" <Ron.Ramsay@ca.com> 7/7/03 11:04:23 PM >>>
Hi all,

Does anyone have an answer to this question:

If I specify a filter of type 'substrings' where the substrings contain
only an 'any' with a zero-length value, should I return all entries
containing the attribute?

It seems to me that the empty string is a substring of all strings.

I've looked in RFC 2251, X.511 and X.520 but have not seen a statement
which I could interpret as answering this question.

Thanks for your help,
