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Re: escapement of single quote in dstring

I should have looked there. I agree with the escaping mechanism (\xx),
but I still think it cannot be applied to dstring unless we are careful
to not use dstring in syntaxes like postalAddress. We should either 
- define a new, non-escaped dstring
- leave dstring as UTF8 and create an edstring (escaped dstring)
- leave dstring as UTF8 and apply the escapment rules to qdstring


>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 04/23/02 02:41AM >>>
At 05:58 PM 2002-04-22, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
>Actually, what I would do is add the escapement note to qdstring
>is where we define the ' separator). Similarly, qdstrings needs a
>on escaping the right paren.

In general, I believe that escaping of arbitrary strings should
be consistent consistent with RFC 2252, 4.3.  This is the
approach I've used for qdstring in draft-ietf-ldapbis-models.
