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RE: LDAP Certificate transfer syntax (draft-ietf-pkix-ldap-v3-05. txt)


I don't find this at all obvious. Apparently, some company creates
certificates with an email address in the subject DN. This would be horrible
to have to implement in a DIT. (I think the approved method of finding the
principal in this case is to search for an entry where the mail attribute
has this address as a value.)

There is also the case where the same identity has multiple cdrtificates.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Stillson [mailto:stillson@mitretek.org]
Sent: Wednesday, 3 April 2002 6:53
To: David Chadwick
Subject: Re: LDAP Certificate transfer syntax

  On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, David Chadwick wrote:
> All constructive comments welcomed

  Hi David-
  A thought for the you...

  Although implied by section 3, perhaps it should be stated expectedly:

  "A PKI object should be placed into a LDAP directory such that the LDAP
   object DN matches the subject DN of the object."

  Although this seems obvious to some, I've run into a surprising number of
  clients setting up directories using some alternate structure, who are
  then surprised when validation software can't find certificates given
  subject DN's.

    - Ken Stillson

      |   Ken Stillson             |    stillson@mitretek.org    |
      |   Sr. Principal Engineer   |    voice: (703) 610-2965    |
      |   Mitretek Systems         |      fax: (703) 610-2984    |